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Tag: Safety

How to Display Your Address

  The 9-1-1 system is your first source of help in times of crisis and it can mean the difference in life and death.  When you dial 9-1-1 within Humphreys County, your call is routed to our 911 Center and is immediately answered by a 911 Dispatcher.  The Dispatcher will see on their screen: The phone number you are calling from The Address you are calling from The closest police department, fire district and ambulance service Our computerized mapping system will display your address...

Changes to Child Safety Seat Restraint Law

Here is a summary of the changes in the child restraint law in Tennessee that went into effect on July 1, 2004: Children under 1 year of age or weighing less than 20 pounds need to be in a backward-facing child-passenger restraint system in the rear seat, if the car has one. Children 1-3 and weighing 20 pounds or more would have to be in a forward-facing car seat in the back seat. Children 4-8 and less than 5 feet tall would have to be in a booster seat that lifts them to the right height for...